Saturday, October 30, 2010

Jacobsburg State Park, Pennsylvania

Today was a brisk, windy day for hiking in Jacobsburg State Park. Falls colors are past their peak, many trees are already completely bare. However, beautiful crimson, yellow, and brilliant orange hues are still to be found in the woods.

Splashes of Autumn color reflected in the stream

Crimson, yellow, and orange leaves

Beautiful Autumn colors

More Autumn reflections


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Bushkill Falls Pennsylvania

Got lost on the way to meet some hiking friends, so I decided to make the best of a beautiful, but blustery, day and headed over to Bushkill Falls instead. The foliage was just about perfect, and it was an absolutely gorgeous day to be outside in the Poconos.

Pennell Falls

Beautiful foliage this time of year

Top of Bridal Veil Falls

Bridal Veil Falls

Bridesmaids Falls

Lower Gorge

Bushkill Falls


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Blog Action Day 2010 - Water

Today is Blog Action Day, an annual event bringing together thousands of blogs to post about the same issue in order to facilitate discussion and promote action. The theme for 2010 is Water,
Here are some facts from Water which surprised me:

  • 884 million people lack access to safe water, approximately one in eight people.
  • Only 62 percent of the world's population have access to improved sanitation.
  • 3.575 million people die each year from water-related disease.
  • Water borne diseases cause 1.4 million children's deaths every year.
  • Every 20 seconds a child dies from a water-related disease.
  • Half the world's hospitalizations are due to water related disease.
Although the statistics are grim, we know the solution. We know how to bring people clean water and sanitation. Many organizations are working with communities in developing nations to tailor solutions to the needs of the local population. Appropriate technologies can be brought to the area. Sanitation and hygiene can be addressed by access to proper facilities and education.

You can learn more about the crisis and how you can help at Water. You'll find information about the global problem, proposed solutions, how you can get involved, a curriculum to teach children and youth, and links to further resources.

Check out the other Blog Action Day 2010 postings about water here!

Petitions by Change.orgStart a Petition ยป

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Biking in Valley Forge and the Schuylkill River Trail

We had a beautiful early Autumn weekend, with warm weather in the seventies and eighties and clear bright skies.

Saturday I biked the perimeter of Valley Forge National Park. The signs of early Fall were apparent; trees are still mostly green, but hints of gold are starting to appear and every once in a while we sighted some brilliant orange leaves in the tree tops. I'm used to biking mostly flat rail trails, so the rolling hills of the National Park gave me quite a workout! It was well worth it to spin around the park and see the fields and monuments.

We also hiked the Schuylkill River Trail. We heard a Kingfisher hunting for food along the river. We saw signs that the recent heavy rains caused the river to rise along the banks, the foliage was flattened along the river bed.

Sunday I planted some scarlet chrysanthemums in the garden, and took some flowers over to my Mom's to plant. She showed me a certificate she was given for voting every November in FIFTY continuous elections. Yeah Mom! Now THAT'S an involved citizen!!!!

The river was brown from recent heavy rainstorms.

Trees are still mostly green, taking on a golden hue.

Long shadows of late afternoon


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